Aria Pictures PCS Journey part 2
By Gerald Martin Davenport on October 21, 2009, Updated November 21, 2024
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Aria Pictures PCS Journey part 2 — Detective A
2009 Detective A by Victor A. Nieto
[ more detailed information can be found in the new Aria Pictures Film Encyclopedia ]
I got a call a few days after the Cast & Crew Call for PCS from Victor A. Nieto (writer & director) and Jason Moore (camera operator) that they wanted my help on Detective A.
On the first day of production as we are getting a shot ready for the first take with Gary Agid, I am holding a makeshift audio boom connected to the camera (very very poor), I said, “camera rolling, I have speed for sound.”
I looked at Gary, who was waiting for his cue, then back at Victor, who was standing there with a dumbfounded look, and several more times, looking back and forth between Gary and Victor until I finally said, “Action!”
When the scene was finished, I hesitated for Victor or Jason to say “cut.” When I noticed Gary was getting annoyed, I said “Cut.” Jason looked at Victor, and said, “See that’s what you’re supposed to do.” I knew my suspicions were true about the inexperience of the director and camera operator after that, but I felt obligated to teach them how to make a movie.
Detective A In Production
FROM: Victor Nieto
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 1:48:01 PM
TO: Detective A Cast & Crew
Hope everyone is doing well this week and thanks for all those that helped with the shoot last Friday.
We have finally received permission to shoot at the Sac State biology facilities in Humboldt Hall, room 221 from 9 a.m – 1 p.m. on Monday, August 3.
I’m really excited about this room. It has a great stale look to it, perfect for Doctor X/Frau Hain scene and most importantly there is a lot of space in the room for equipment and lights.
Last week wasn’t our best shooting so I’ll be sure to bring water and snacks in between shoot but let us try our best to work together and keep a serious perspective when film setups are involved.
Parking: Cost of permit is $6 per day. We can all meet someplace prior to 9 a.m outside of campus and then I’ll take everyone in my van.
Thanks. Looking forward to Monday
Victor A. Nieto
Yo, Gerry, our wonderful boom operator, and the editor will be developing a website promoting Detective A for the ‘A Place Called Sacramento.’ So at your easiest convenience send him a bio of yourself, interests, film experience, profession, and anything else you would like to add. Please try and keep the description to around 100 words. If you can also send a headshot of yourself that would also be great for the time being. We’ll try and organize another photography session later.
Yeah, I created a Detective A website for the cast & crew. Hosted it on my server, did the code and work for it, and got everyone’s Bio and Headshot, and it was really really nice.
Production of Detective A visited a few locations in Sacramento and captured some great shots. I met Gary Udell who plays Detective A — plays Dad in THE GOLdEN TREE. My daughter Kyriè was the background in the art gallery scene, though she wanted the lead or a speaking role, her time is coming.
I spent over 100 hours editing video, sweetening audio, creating effects, and color-correcting on Detective A and it is ready to be seen.
FROM: Bonnie Jacobson
August 30, 2009
To: Gerald
Hi Gerry,
Thanks for doing this.
Here’s my bio:
Bonnie is a devout movie fan and loves film festivals. She attended the cast and crew call for Place Called Sacramento and jumped at the opportunity to help behind the scenes. By day, she’s a licensed Marriage, Family Therapist.
Bonnie Jacobson
FROM: Victor
August 30, 2009
**Sorry to ask this so late in the game but could you change New Vision to ADD a Productions.
**Also let me know what you think of having the end of the film go to completely black or white.
The credits then play on the left-hand side of the screen, while on the right a split or smaller version of the final scene plays on the right.
** Glad to hear everything is working out. The final copy is due Tuesday by 3 p.m. I’m thinking maybe I could drive up there Monday and go over all the final soundtrack adjustments. Not that there is anything wrong but I am just really excited to get a look at the film with a soundtrack.
– Thanks for all the work you have put into this. I really think we have made a good product here.
Credit Lists:
Victor A. Nieto: Writer, Director, Co-Producer, wardrobe director, casting director, location scout, craft services
Jason Moore: Director of Photography, Production Assistant, Assistant Director
Eric Shackelford: Co-Producer,., Assistant Director, casting director, assistant audio techniican, location scout, Dolly person?, (creative input for script…. not sure of title for this).
Ryan Lomeli: Script Supervisor, production assistant, location scout
Bonnie Jacobson: Craft services, production assistant
Soundtrack: Mat Storm, Alex Storm
Gerry Davenport: Audio technician, editor, production assistant, web administrator, lighting ( if there is anything you did that is missing please add it).
Gary Udell: Detective A./ Vincent A. Nelson
Cozzette Roberts: Frau Hain
Gary Agid: Mr. Mason
Tyler Jerome Thompson: Doctor X
Frau Schmidt: JaNay Brown
Joyce: Leslie Goodman
Office co-worker: Gabrielle Stevenson
student at Sac State: Lisa Seiwert
Capitol Security guard #2: Jared Nelson
Capitol Security guard #1: Victor A. Nieto
Friend at River: Jason Moore
Guy at bus stop: Marcus Nieto
Caroline Hain, Kyriè Davenport, Jared Nelson, Courtney Pallante, Bonnie Jacobson, Jenny Lane
Special Thanks too:
Csus Science Dept.
Csus Library
Ronald W. Dahl: Attorney at Law
Solomon Dubnick art Gallery
United Way California Capitol Region
Papa Murphy's on 5618 Folsom Blvd.
Original Pete's Pizza Pasta Grill on 2001 J street
and Hildy Ortiz. Access Sacramento
Official selection of a Place Called Sacramento
Crest Theater and Premiere
10 Years – One Hundred Films – See you October 4 for 12 New Local Movies!
By Ron Cooper
Yesterday we held our breath awaiting the 2009 filmmakers bringing their final productions in by the deadline. Good News! We have 12 new original films for 2009 Tenth Annual “Place Called Sacramento” Film Festival.
Productions have been rolling along since early June. Many challenges faced the twelve production teams. Actors moved away after shooting commenced. Plans for specific, vital locations were confirmed, canceled, and then rescheduled. Editors struggled with formatting questions as we shift from standard definition (SD) films using a 4-3 aspect ration to high definition (HD) with a 16-9 aspect ratio. Favors were requested, sweat poured on hot summer days, equipment failed, replacements found, frustration mounted…. but all these challenges were surmounted and we have ourselves a film festival in high definition at the Crest big screen Sunday, October 4 at 1:00 PM.
One again here are the filmmakers and their work. Congratulations to the hundreds of volunteers for your perseverance and creativity. We are proud you live in our great City!
“The Push” by Danna Wilberg
“Fever” struggles with anger and confusion after her drug-addicted Mom ran off to Sacramento. Fever is now a conflicted teen with psychic powers. Can Grandma help?
“Ten Minute Ride” by Wayne D. Johnson
Writing a syndicated travel column, Aaron thought he had seen it all. Sacramento? Just another City with a serial killer on the loose. Could this column be his last?
“Nightmare On K Street” by Jessica Vazquez
Above ground, Sacramento’s historic streets make it a hot spot for tourists like John. But deep in the tunnels beneath Old Sac breeds a night scene to be avoided, if you can.
“City of Trees” by Mark Perrigan
Our trees provide a loving, protective canopy we often take for granted. Aiden dreams of a special tree and an opportunity lost far away and long ago in Sacramento.
“Beatrice & The Bike Thief” by Frank Casanova
Detectives come in all shapes and sizes. 12-year-old Beatrice solves mysteries. Steal her friend’s bike? Now you are in trouble and the chase ensues – watch out for Beatrice!
“Cup O’ Tea” story by Isaiah Tichenor
Senior year can be painful. For Marissa, her poems offer a private satisfaction but her shyness keeps her friends at a distance. Can Thomas reach out in time?
“Master of Destiny” by Julie Ivanovich
Some days, just surviving requires the strength of a superhero. Has Ryan found a way to cope or has he lost his mind?
“Detective A” by Victor Nieto
Have you ever felt that life was a mystery? Detective A discovers his life – one day at a time. Confused? Let the mystery begin as Detective=2 0A awakens to a day filled with new and unique challenges.
“Play Day” by Carrie Stroud
Skylab Youth Production Studios returns to PCS (2008’s “Sweet Lemonade”) with an updated version of “David & Goliath”. Sophia steps up and demonstrates “empathy is a gift that can’t be taught”.
“641/2” by Chris Henry
Tobias and Avery are old war-horses with stories to tell but the world sees only 2 scruffy, homeless guys. When a Mustang stumbles, Tobias steps up and a new chapter begins.
“Midnight Snack” by Leilani Hernandez
The little 8-year-old sweetie is nervous about her first sleepover. What monsters dwell in the minds of little ones? Be afraid – be very afraid!
“11 B Diaries” by Laura Tapia
Serving your country in any war bonds a soldier to his friends forever. With his only child now dying in Afghanistan, can Ed’s buddies from Vietnam help him once again?
October of 2009 was the premiere of the ten 10-minute films at the historic Crest Theater in Sacramento, where I had been before in 1999 viewing a short film by Sean Michael Beyer called Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda, which was very funny, and entertaining.
I sat up near the top of the theater out of the way but near a few of the cast & crew for Detective A, I wanted to get the whole view of the event, the theater was not really crowded.
After all, the films were shown they had all the filmmakers up on stage and they said a few words — or more to thank everyone and mention everyone that was in their movie.
Ten Minute Ride was my favorite and Midnight Snack, 64 1/2, and Nightmare on K street was terrible.
Detective A won an award for Best Technical Achievement, and Victor and Jason pointed to me and yelled, “This really goes to Gerry, our Editor and technical guru back there.” Be that as it may, the award was never given to me, he took it as his own, like he did anything on the film that was an achievement if he did anything on the film other than writing it. Honestly, what did they do to achieve a TECHNICAL award? Camera? Acting? Lighting? Writing? HA! I laugh.
Wrap Party and DVD hand-out
There was a party to watch the 16-minute version and offer everyone a copy of the DVD to purchase at $10 each. Already been approved by Victor to pay for my time and resources.
Now after spending many more hours creating an extended 16-minute version, I added (winner) under my name in the credits and created an EDITOR’S CUT DVD — Mr. Director was not pleased. “I can’t show this to my family as my film.” “I can’t give this to graduate schools as my film.” “Have you ever heard of an Editor’s cut?” “The award went to the whole production, not just you.” First I heard of this change of attitude toward me and my work.
Whose movie is it anyway?
Well, part of me understood what he was saying, but it did say his name all over the darn thing, NOT mine. Okay, he wrote it, and you read what I had to do to help them make this film. But, I fixed his wagon. I removed the five trailers that I made without any of his input.
I also removed the 16-minute version that I created without any of his input as well; hence the name EDITOR’S CUT.
It is NOT his movie. Well… In a sense, I took the original and retooled it, moved things around, added more footage to the scenes, did more effects, wrote extra music, and so forth. So it is MY version, MY story plot, and MY EDITOR’S CUT from his original movie, which makes it NOT his film to take credit for — he can have the 10-minute original version which he and I both worked on for 12 hours, and then I took it home and spent 50 plus hours more on it.
So I gave him one copy of the 10-minute version on DVD. When he asked, “Where are the other nine copies?” I told him “You are going to have to make them yourself. Oh, and You are Welcome.”
I did not agree to make copies for just him the way he wanted, he did not offer to pay for my time and resources, and with his attitude and the way he treated me after all the hard work and not getting thanked, he can do some work on HIS movie.
Cease and Desist order
I received an email from Victor and his dad's lawyer to take down the website for the movie Detective A. It did not hurt me any, he is hurting his film and the cast & crew that worked on it to be able to have a place to showcase their work. (as of August 2020, Victor still has not created a place on the internet that showcases the cast & crew’s work for Detective A)
From: Victor Nieto
To: editorgerry@
Date: Tue, November 17, 2009 1:19:29 PM
Subject: Legal Action Will Be Taken (Urgent)
Victor A. Nieto 8724 Cullen Court, Elk Grove Ca, 95624
Urgent (Detective A) Dear Sir,
Thank you for complying in the removal of the website page(s) that were in breach of the California Copyright Law. However, this situation will not be resolved until Gerald Martin Davenport (Aria Pictures) adheres to the request to send a formal Email or typed letter, confirming to the address above that you will not repeat this infringement.
The page(s) in question relating to Gerald Martin Davenport (Aria Pictures) ownership of the film Detective A and unlawfully promotional selling of the copy have been documented and recorded (16 November, 2009).
* As of November 17, 2009 Victor A. Nieto has not received any residual earnings from the selling of any Detective A DVDs.
* As of October 29, 2009 Gerald Martin Davenport wrote in an email to Victor A. Nieto stating: “Victor. I was under the thought that I mentioned you can make as many copies as you needed for everyone with the copy I sent you. the only copies that are in existence are your copy and the copies that others have — which I know you were not pleased with so I have destroyed the copies you refused minus one for my library.”
Due to past transgressions a formal letter from Gerald Martin Davenport confirming that he will not repeat this infringement is necessary for records and failure to do so will consider this matter an ongoing legal case.
I hope the two parties can come to an amicable agreement so both can move on from this unfortunate event and continue with their work.
This email states that Victor has not received any residual earnings from the selling of any Detective A DVD's. I only sold 6 at the party that was already approved by Victor to cover my resources. No other copies were sold. Also, it shows I told Victor to make his own copies from the copy I gave him that had no artwork or printed title on in.
Anyway, barring the immaturity of the individual who reminds me of someone who used to be family by marriage and his arrogant, egotistical, all-for-his-own-glory attitude, the whole experience was worth it and fun. So much so that I wrote another story called Chardonnay with the cast and crew in mind — well, mostly the cast.
Again Read [ more detailed information on the new Aria Pictures Film Encyclopedia ]
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Remember: Lights on for safety.
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