Tragic Negligence kills Camera Assistant | Aria Pictures Weblog
Date: February 25, 2014
Author: Gerald Martin Davenport
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Accident okay, but Tragic Negligence?
This was brought to my attention today, and I was appalled at the negligence that appears that took place on Thursday, February 20, 2014, killing Sara Jones, a Second Camera Assistant on the apparent illegal, set of ‘Midnight Rider’ directed by Randall Miller.
Miller directed Bottle Shock, a great film, but just like John Landis, who did many great films — Into The Night Being one of my favorites — his arrogance and negligence kill two children and Vic Morrow on the set of Twilight Zone the Movie. Miller was on location and as the facts come in, was in violation of his permit.
Safety over all else!
As a filmmaker: Writer, Director, and Editor I am always concerned with on set safety when I am directing, being the First Assistant Director, or Producing. Yes, Insurance is carried, but money is nothing compared to human life! Do not be stupid. Do not be arrogant. Do not be negligent in your duties.
There are many issues now being investigated, but a tragedy like this only comes from the failure to plan, prepare, and organize.
Sara Jones may not have been a household name, a seasoned veteran, or someone I ever knew, but she was a dedicated member of a film crew, and that is where the family connection is. So I honor her and memorialize her here, as do others with “Slates For Sarah.“
Remember: Lights on for safety. even during the day